Epic Electronic Health Record Began on November 9, 2019
Meet Epic, the new electronic medical record at Estes Park Health.
Estes Park Health converted several of its electronic health record (EHR) systems to Epic, the leading provider of electronic medical records in the country.
Why the change?
As electronic medical records advanced over the years, the advantages of having a single electronic health record (EHR) throughout Estes Park Health became clear. After a careful and thorough search, it was decided that UCHealth’s instance of Epic would serve our patients and providers best. Many of our patients also see healthcare providers at UCHealth and seamless access to clinical charts at both Estes Park Health and UCHealth will improve quality of and continuity of care for our patients. It is important to remember that while we will be sharing our EHR system with UCHealth, we are and will remain an independent organization.
Why are you taking my photo?
Estes Park Health registration staff is now taking photos of every patient. The photo is stored in your EHR and is visible to all practitioners at the hospital and clinics. Adding your photo to your EHR is important to ensuring your provider accurately identifies you. Patient photos will improve the quality of patient care and the quality of patient interactions. There are secondary benefits to adding patient photos to the EHR, as it will help reduce insurance fraud due to identity theft and misrepresentation. You have the option to decline or defer having the photo taken, but you will be encouraged to do so for your own benefit.
What do I need to do?
At the first visit after November 9th, 2019 patients will need to bring their current insurance cards (medical and prescription), a valid driver’s license or ID, and their advance directives, as this information will not be moved into the new EHR. Please plan to spend a little extra time checking in as we get used to our new system and work diligently to make sure your information is correct.
Will my bill look different?
Yes. The new billing system went into effect on November 9, 2019. If you are a current patient of Estes Park Health your bills will look different, but we believe the new system will help reduce billing confusion. Learn more about billing changes.
Will my current patient portal information in Follow My Health still be available?
No. All patients wishing to access a patient portal will need to enroll in My Health Connection.
Why should I enroll in My Health Connection?
Patients are encouraged to sign up for UCHealth’s My Health Connection, the patient portal that allows patients access to their medical record. Visit My Health Connection for enrollment instructions. All documentation for services after May 5, 2018, can be found in UCHealth’s My Health Connection.
In addition to reviewing medical information, including medications, immunizations, allergies and medical history, patients can:
- Make appointment requests and receive appointment reminders
- Renew and refill prescriptions.
- Receive lab and test results online.
- Communicate with your provider via e-mail.
After November 9th, our current patient portal, Follow My Health, will no longer be updated with new health data. Please sign up for My Health Connection. We are sure that you will appreciate the new features and improved usability.
There’s an app for that.
Take your medical record with you, thanks to the UCHealth App. The app integrates with My Health Connection to give you more ways to track and interact with your health, including access to your medical record and test results, health news, healthy recipes and exercises, and inspirational patient stories. The UCHealth App is available from the Google Play Store for Android devices (version 5.0 or higher), and via the iTunes store for iPhones (iOS9 or higher) – search “UCHealth.”
What if I need access to my records or still have questions?
For assistance with questions, or to access medical records, patients are encouraged to call Estes Park Health’s Medical Records at 970-586-2317 ext. 4257. You can also request your medical records here.
What happens to my medical records prior to November 9?
All documentation for services prior to November 9, 2019, will be available for patients to access through Estes Park Health’s Medical Records office at 970-586-2317 ext. 4257 for assistance.