May 2, 2023 Ballot Measure 8A Q & A

Q: If I vote for this ballot measure, will I pay more in taxes to the Park Hospital District?
A: No. Neither the tax rate nor the amount of taxes you pay will go up.
Q: Why is the ballot up for a vote on May 2?
A: This election can only be held on certain dates. If this ballot were not up for a vote in May 2023, the next election dates would not be until November 2023 or November 2024. The timing of this vote is important.
Q: Why is the timing of this vote important to the future of Estes Park Health?
A: The timing of this vote is important to the future of Estes Park Health because it would authorize the Estes Park Health Board to enter into a multiple year financial obligation that would be part of any affiliation agreement. The Board is currently in discussions with major health care organizations to decide if enhanced affiliated with one of these systems would secure excellent medical care close to home for people who live in the Estes Valley. Such a deal could infuse much-needed support for EPH to serve the community for decades to come.
Q: Who can vote on this ballot measure?
A: Registered voters who live in the Park Hospital District can vote on this ballot measure.
Q: Will I be receiving a ballot by mail?
A: Yes. The ballot will be sent out in the mail. The packets will be mailed Monday, April 10, 2023 through Monday, April 17, 2023.
Q: Can I vote in person on election day?
A: Yes. On election day, May 2, 2023 the polls will be open continuously from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Q: Will the board member election be on the same ballot?
A: Yes. There are six people running for three open slots on the five-person Park Hospital District Board. Steve Alper and Bill Pinkham are running for re-election. The four self-nominated candidates from the community are Cory Workman, John Meissner, Todd Nardi and Brigitte Foust.
Q: What happens if the ballot measure fails to pass?
A: Failure to pass the ballot measure will not change Estes Park Health’s commitment to providing excellent medical care to the community. However, if the measure fails, the EPH Board will not be able to negotiate a deal with a larger health system for enhanced affiliation. The next time this measure could be voted on again – if the EPH Board decided to put it up for a vote again – would be November 2023 or November 2024. That lag in time could be detrimental to the closure of an affiliation deal.
For more information about the ballot issue, log on to May 2023 Board Election – Estes Park Health (