First Reported COVID-19 Case Reported in Estes Park

April 17, 2020, Estes Park, CO – All staff at Estes Park Health (EPH) have been working under the assumption that COVID-19 was present in the Estes Valley and have been diligent about wearing appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) in the facility when interacting with staff and the community since February 2020.
Today, we have confirmation of COVID-19 in Estes Park. Estes Park Health had a positive COVID-19 case involving an Estes Park Health staff member. A staff member was tested yesterday following the established process for a symptomatic healthcare worker that has been in place for several weeks in anticipation of our first exposure. There is minimal chance of exposure to the community who were in EPH because the staff member was wearing appropriate PPE during interactions with patients.
All staff members performing the COVID-19 swab were in the correct PPE as outlined in the guidance provided by the CDC and adopted by Estes Park Health. The COVID-19 positive staff member was sent home to self-quarantine for 10 days per CDC guidelines and instructed to report back to their provider if their symptoms worsen. Estes Park Health will follow the return-to-work guidelines from the CDC when allowing the staff member to return to work.
Estes Park Health has policies and procedures in place to create the safest environment for our community to receive the healthcare they need in our facility. EPH is committed to reducing risk through the COVID-19 Hotline screening process (970-577-4400), screening everyone entering the building, wearing masks, washing hands, maintaining social distancing within departments and around the facility and adhering to CDC healthcare facility guidelines regarding COVID-19. All Estes Park Health employees will continue to wear masks and other appropriate PPE as dictated by their work area during working hours to reduce the possible exposure to the virus from non-symptomatic staff or patients.
Please continue to wash your hands, wear your masks, stay home if you’re sick and continue to practice social distancing.
If you have additional questions, please contact COVID-19 Public Information Officer Lisa Taylor at