Estes Park Health’s Proactive Management of the COVID-19 Epidemic in our Community

With an abundance of caution, Estes Park Health has been working since the announcement of COVID-19 in Wuhan, China, to set up policies and procedures to keep our community and our Estes Park Health staff safe. We did not wait for a positive case to set up a Clinical Operations Team. This team, in collaboration with the Medical Staff, the Senior Leadership Team, and representatives from all departments, and with guidance from the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), made the critical decisions to protect our community by restricting access and by postponing all non-emergent appointments, surgeries and other procedures.
Estes Park Health has a 24/7 COVID-19 Information Line at 970-577-4400. Callers are screened using CDC guidelines. If a caller meets the criteria for further questioning, they are transferred to an Estes Park Health provider to determine a plan of care.
For additional information to keep you and your family healthy, please go to for information and resources.
Estes Park Health has and will always put the health and safety of the Estes Valley community first in all our decisions.
There are other facilities, in addition to Estes Park Health, testing for COVID-19. Estes Park residents also have the opportunity to be tested at other facilities in Larimer County.