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Paint Estes Pink

A graphic with a pink boot and text: "Paint Estes Pink. Support EPH Oncology Dept.

Paint Estes Pink

Paint Estes Pink, which is part of the Rooftop Rodeo in Estes Park, was started 11 years ago to raise money for oncology services at Estes Park Health.

Paint Estes Pink culminates in Pink Night at the Rooftop Rodeo on Monday, July 7th, 2025.

Crowns for the Care

Crowns for the Care Contestants compete for the title of Mrs. Rooftop Rodeo by participating in a fundraising competition. The highest-earning philanthropist is announced during Pink Night at the Rooftop Rodeo on Monday, July 7th.

If you’d like to participate in Crowns for the Care, contact the Estes Park Health Foundation at or call 970-577-4370.

The Cause 

Every year, the Crowns for the Care contestants raise money for a certain piece of equipment that leads to more efficient and caring cancer treatment.

Stay tuned to see what the ladies are raising money for this year!

100% of donations given to Crowns for the Care benefit this cause.

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