Blood Drive scheduled for September 9 at the Community Center

Estes Park Health and EVRPD Will Co-host the September 9, 2019 Blood Drive
Walk-ins Only
To allow for easier access to give blood, Estes Park Health and Estes Valley Recreation and Park District (EVRPD) will again co-host a blood drive on September 9 in the community rooms at the Estes Valley Community Center from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Estes Valley Community Center provides 1,800 square feet of space for the blood drive, ample parking and easy access for donors. The blood that is donated in Estes Park will be used by Estes Park Health and other hospitals in Northern Colorado. Each unit of blood that is donated has the potential to save three lives. Be a hero our community and make the time to donate blood.
The UCHealth Garth Englund Blood Center will be overseeing and handling the donation process. The last blood drive went smoothly, and we have worked out all the “kinks” of serving donors at the new location. To donate, a person must be at least 18 years old (or 17 with a parent’s permission) and show a photo identification. New donors must weigh at least 120 pounds and be in good health. Prior donors must weigh at least 110 pounds.
Process for donating blood
Before you go to the Community Center, please make sure you’ve eaten something.
The entire process takes about 45 minutes. This includes time to complete your health history and sign consent forms. The actual drawing of blood – a pint – takes five to 10 minutes. If at any time during the donation process you feel light-headed, please tell a staff member.
When you enter the donation site, staff members will guide you through the process and answer your questions. Among the questions for your health history, you will be asked about medicines that you take. Most medicines are okay. You will also be asked about behavior that is considered a risk for HIV or hepatitis exposure.
The rest of the process includes having your temperature and blood pressure taken, and a finger-stick test called hematocrit that checks your volume of red blood cells.
Your arm is cleaned with a sterile disinfectant swab. A needle is inserted into a vein on the inside of your elbow. The actual blood withdrawal takes five to 10 minutes. When you are done, a wrap is put on your arm.
There will be room for you to rest for a short time afterwards and enjoy a snack.
For more information about the blood drive or if you have questions, please contact Lisa Taylor at