April 16 is National Healthcare Decisions Day

National Healthcare Decisions Day is observed every year on April 16. Estes Park Health wants the community to know that EPH can help you with your Advance Directives.
There are times you might need to make some decisions about your health care but you are too incapacitated to make them. This day is set aside to help you take care of these potential situations ahead of time.
By having an Advance Directive, you can let health professionals know the kind of care you wish to receive and have those wishes respected and met.
Estes Park Health Chief Nursing Officer Pat Samples explained, “When you are sick and can no longer make decisions for yourself, this document guides your loved ones to make decisions that will support your wishes. Having to make decisions in the moment of your need can be difficult if family and friends do not know what you would want. This enables them to know ahead of time how to handle the situation. It often gives people peace.”
Estes Park Health has a social worker and a case manager who can help with Advance Directive planning. There are also many resources online to help you get started.