The doctors at Estes Park Health work hard to keep our community healthy. March 30th is Doctors’ Day. Honor your physician on Doctors’ Day by donating to the Estes Park Health Foundation. Include a note in the comments section of the donation page and we will hand deliver it to your physician. A list of Estes Park Health Clinic Physicians is located here. Emergency & Trauma Physicians are listed here. You can make a difference today. Every little bit helps.
Doctors’ Day was conceived by Eudora Brown Almond, a physician’s wife in Georgia. She chose the date of March 30, the anniversary of the day that surgical anesthesia was first administered to a patient. The very first Doctors’ Day in 1933 consisted of a few doctors’ wives putting together a luncheon for the local physicians in Winder, Georgia, northeast of Atlanta. This first observance included mailing greeting cards and placing flowers on graves of deceased doctors.
On March 30, 1958, the "Resolution Commemorating Doctors' Day" was adopted by the United States House of Representatives, and in 1991, Congress made Doctors’ Day a national holiday.